We spent Saturday night in Orange County, helping Kellen film a movie for his film class. The story: prostitute gets picked up by an old school teacher she had. I was in charge of costumes and even got to try my hand at working a street corner in the early hours of the morning (in…
The call of Target can be too hard for me to ignore at times. Today was one of those times… I’m not usually one for anything Gladiator-inspired. The look tends to make me look short and stumpy, so I avoid too many straps. These wedges however, got my attention immediately. I saw them in Target…
April Showers
I’m not a fan of the rain during the Spring. I’ll take it in the winter, since it’s the closest thing we have to snow, as well as in the summer since it’ll cool things down for a little bit. In the Spring though, I want warmth and sunshine. However, the weather isn’t cooperating with…
Ireland: Day 3
The third day we were in Ireland it was Saint Patrick’s Day! My mom had told us that it wasn’t a big deal in Ireland, but on the actual day we were excited to discover she had been misinformed. Everyone gets the day off work and there are tons of parades, festivals and celebrations all…
Ireland: Day 2
On the morning of the second day, we woke up early, had breakfast and headed to Castleblaney, a small city a few hours away from Swords. We checked into a new B&B and headed out to meet my Grandfather’s cousin, Seamus. The house he lives in is the same one where he was raised, and…
Ireland: Day 1
Sorry it’s taken me so long to post pictures from our lovely Spring trip to Ireland! I’ve been super busy and there are SO many pictures that I just haven’t found the time to sort through the ones I want to post and put them all down on a blog. But the time has come…
Miss her already…
RIP Kirby. September 1994-March 25, 2010 I’m devastated, to say the least… I wish she could’ve lived forever. My mom says she waited for Kate and I to come home from Ireland and for her to come home from back East. Even last night, she passed away 10 minutes after I got in for the…
Mellow Yellow
To be honest, I usually avoid yellow as much as possible, but I couldn’t say “no” to this blouse. It’s perfectly flowy and sheer, and looks relaxed even though it’s the color of a yellow highlighter in person (the camera doesn’t do it justice…) It was between this one or the same shirt with a…
Not going to lie, I placed it so I can look at it every night before I go to sleep. It’s so beautiful. And that Burberry plaid honestly makes me weak in the knees… Even my boyfriend thinks it’s cool. We’re going to have such a good time together in Ireland, lovely coat!