Kellen and I went for coffee yesterday and then afterwards decided to spend our afternoon exploring a little nature trail in our town. Of course, since I brought the Rebel, it turned into more of a Photoshoot than anything else… Outfit: Lace top, C&C. Bought at a thrift store after a huge rant to…
Black and White
At Trevor’s Grandparent’s house in LA. Everyone under 20 stayed in a room watching True Blood instead of mingling with the adults. Outfit: Black, one-shouldered dress, Blush. Blush is a little boutique in our town which always has the cutest dresses in stock. I never owned a one-shouldered dress before and was really excited when…
Photoshoot with Heather Royer
My good friend Heather and I went on a photo adventure on Monday. It was raining, but that didn’t stop us from trekking around High Street in a pair of five inch stilettos. She’s putting together a photography portfolio to try and get a job at a studio and I think she’d be an amazing…
Denim and Lace
I had work this afternoon…mehhh. Outfit: Denim Jacket, GAP. Thrifted for $4.99 at the Goodwill. Love the wash, love the fit. I like it better with the sleeves rolled up. Just looks more relaxed. Lace top, Diane Von Furstenburg. Thrifted for $5 in Ventura. I basically saw the label and snatched it up without looking…
Yesterday was my first official day of summer vacation! Sadly, I wasn’t able to sleep in since work wanted me to go in a 7am (and they didn’t even use me, mehhh). I got home just in time to say good-bye to Trevor who had come home the day before to help celebrate his dad’s…
Library Girl
Today, I went to one of the local middle schools to help my friend Jillian out with some girls she is working with. I wrote a book with a few friends my senior year of High School and ever since I’ve been fortunate enough to talk to younger girls about the transition between 8th and…
Mommy’s Day
I always love holidays (even the ones where you don’t get school off) when it’s close to the summer. Any excuse to have a BBQ where we get to eat outside and be merry is fine by me. Sadly, we weren’t able to eat outside yesterday because the wind picked up and made it a…
Costco Lunch = Perfection
I had work yesterday morning and afterwards I drove over to Trevor’s where I was greeted by him and Gabby blasting Katy Perry’s “California Gurls” so loud that it drowned out the doorbell and I had to text him to get him to answer the door. Can’t lie though, I love that song. True fact,…
Royal Blue
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this shade of blue. It’s not even funny how I’m drawn to the color. If I have a choice, I’ll choose this color every time. Outfit: Dress, Angl. I bought this a few weeks before I headed out to Europe in 08. I wanted something that I could wear…