I was a bit out of it all morning thanks to the cloudy skies and all the puddles on the ground. I woke up super early in an attempt to get some homework done, but of course then I was distracted by facebook and the fact that my nails were desperate for a painting.
In an attempt to avoid any rain that may have come out of the threatening clouds, I pulled out my precious violet Chloe trench. I don’t wear it that often since it’s kind of hard to pair with things (due to the shape and the color), but I just love the way it makes me feel put together, even when I’m not. The coat was a gift from Trevor for our 2nd Anniversary. I found it at Crossroad’s and was DYING over it. He grabbed it from me and brought it to the cash register. I’ve got me a good boyfriend, yes indeed.
Speaking of boyfriend, Valentine’s Day weekend was quite fun. I drove down to Orange County on Friday night after work and we went to a little Cuban restaurant in the middle of The Circle. Saturday, I dragged him to the Citadel Outlets and then managed to convince him to take me to see Just Go With It. On Sunday, a bunch of us all went to Disneyland where we spent the day waiting in line and eating pickles and ice cream (not together, of course). Afterwards, the group of us all went to dinner at The Block in the OC where we ate half a dozen loaves of bread and then our regular dinner on top of that.
Since V-Day was on a Monday, I only got to see Trevor for an hour before he left for class and then I headed over to Kellen’s for a little while before the grueling drive on the 5. Luckily, I had wasted enough time at Kellen’s and only got stuck in traffic for a few minutes.
What did you all do for Hallmark’s favorite holiday? Dinner? A movie?
I had fun lurking everyone’s facebooks and seeing the flowers all of their boyfriend’s gave them!