I got my first “real” denim jacket the summer before the 8th grade. None of the jackets before that counted because it was all before I really had any idea about what fashion was…remember those days?
Anyyyyyways, I was in Princeton, New Jersey visiting my Aunt and cousin with my family and we walked into Gap (See!? I’m a lifelong fan) when we approached this denim jacket that just captured my heart the minute I saw it. My Aunt, seeing how much I loved it, bought it for me as an early birthday present, and I literally lived in it for that last year of middle school. Of course I wasn’t too educated on the “do’s and don’ts” of wearing a denim jacket, but I loved that thing. Eventually it got too big on me when I started losing weight in high school, but it lived in my closet and I didn’t have the heart to give it away.
Fast forward to 2010 when the denim jacket made it’s “comeback” (we got a cropped one at work that I basically died over) and I pulled mine out of the closet once again. It was, as it has been for years, too big on me. I gave it to my sister and the hunt for the perfect denim jacket began.
I wound up finding TWO! The one in the pictures is my Calvin Klein and I love it because it’s thickest of my denim jackets. The other is a similar wash, but a little thinner, and it’s Gap. I found both of them at my local Goodwill.
I usually wear my denim jackets with leggings and tunics, or over dresses. They’re the best way of making something a little bit more casual and have the ability to add an “edge” to any outfit. Pair with chunky jewelry and some sky-high stilettos and your t-shirt and legging combo is no longer an ordinary combo.
I felt daring ONCE and wore my denim jacket with a pair of denim jeans. The only reason it worked was because I paired it with a pair of denim that was incredibly dark. They were also skinnies, which made them a little bit less noticeable. If you want to attempt to pull off this combination, be sure that the denims are two completely different shades of washes and that you balance it out with a good shirt (I went with black).
Interested in buying one for yourself?
Check out this ADORABLE Forever 21 one HERE.
Orrrrr….do what I did and check out your local thrift store!