My dad had the brilliant idea to go to Venice Beach today. Memorial Day. In theory, it sounds like a good idea. However, while attempting to go through with this plan, we learned that holiday trips to Venice Beach will be out of the question in the future. SO MUCH TRAFFIC. SO MANY PEOPLE!

- Striped top, thrifted.
- Skirt, Marciano. We actually bought Trevor’s mom the exact same one for Christmas and yesterday the price was so reduced that I would’ve been stupid to say no. (How much you may ask? FIFTEEN DOLLARS!) For some reason, I felt like Carrie Bradshaw the entire time I was wearing it. It just has so many layers of fabric, combined with the silver stitching/the giant fabric rose on the waist/little chains…sigh. I love it.
- Blazer, GAP, thrifted. I have many blazers, but I like how this one is a bit shorter than the others. It doesn’t take away from my clothes as much as other ones do.
- Shoes, Reflection. $10.
- Necklace, Tiffany’s.
On the way up to Venice my dad wanted to show my Grandma something (which turned out to be closed, btw) and we wound up running into a wild peacock! We stopped to say hello and to take some pictures of it…

Ulgh, I’m just so in love with the colors of this special bird. Out of all the creatures in the animal kingdom, I really do think peacocks have the most bragging rights. I mean, just look at it! Beautiful (and grumpy, but that is besides the point…)