I’ve been so obsessed with the 70s trend that has been hitting pretty hard. Wide legged jeans, big hats, flowing shirts and chunky wedges rule my closet and the majority of my outfits these days. Today was no exception (obviously).
Have you been on the hunt for any good 70s throwback pieces?
It was pretty cold the majority of the day, so for the most part I wore a F21 blazer over this. The shirt is always a favorite to wear…it’s both cute and comfortable so it works for those days when I don’t feel like putting too much effort into my outfit. And the print!? So good! Not to mention it was only like $2. Perfection.
(I may wind up dragging my grandmother to the Goodwill tomorrow or Monday to look for some new pieces to add to my closet. On the hunt for red flaired pants!)
I love lazy Saturdays. My family and I ran a few errands and then went out to dinner with some family friends to celebrate my dad’s birthday. Afterwards, we had quite the time shoving 6’4 boys into those little moving kid rides they have at outdoor malls. 75 cents well spent.
As of right now, I’m laying in bed and trying to stay warm while watching old episodes of Ally McBeal on Netflix. I can’t decide if I like this show or not. Every time I think something is clever on the show, Lit Theory has to go running through my head. Oy.