Shorts: Thrifted, Shirt: H&M, Shoes: Sketchers, Assorted Jewelry This was yesterday’s outfit. My first attempt at using my trusted old closet since I’ve been back home. I bought this shirt in Germany the last day I was in Europe and it was on my mind for a good portion of the time…
Paris, Day 4
Dress: Fashion Club, Shoes: Famous Footwear, Bag: Longchamp, Assorted Jewelry One of my favorite parts of Paris? Being able to wade in the fountain at the Louvre. The whole time we kept looking at each…
Paris, Day 3
Dress: Target, Scarf: Bought in Europe, Shoes: Bought in Europe, Sweater: Thrifted, Bag: Longchamp Something about the extreme heat in Paris made me want to wear the brightest colors that I could possibly find in my suitcase. I borrowed this…
Paris, Day 2
Sweater: F21, Romper: H&M, Belt: Guess by Marciano, Shoes: GAP, Scarf: Bought in Europe, Bag: Longchamp Sorry this is so picture heavy! I couldn’t help myself! I bought this romper in Pau especially…
Passport to Paris
I’m HOME!!! Even though I’m back in Southern California, I find myself missing France with each day that passes. It’s so weird that it’s already over. Time really does fly when you’re having the time of your life!! Here’s my outfit from the first day in Paris! Shorts:…
Animalier des Pyrenees and Gavernie: Day 29
I officially climbed a mountain in Converses! Jacket: La Mode Emporium, Shirt: GAP, Sweater: F21, Jeans: GAP, Scarf: Bought in Europe, Shoes: Converse, Sunnies: Ray Ban, Bag: Longchamp We spent yesterday morning at a zoo, where I got to feed some groundhogs! Anyone who…
Toulouse: Day 16
My water bottle leaked all over the inside of my bag. Not good! Shirt: Thrifted Kohl’s, Jacket: Thrifted, Leggings: Guess by Marciano, Scarf: Gifted, Shoes: Cathy Jean, Bag: AldoThese were taken the day we left Toulouse. I really don’t think any of us really wanted to leave!!! I love how in Europe,…
Toulouse: Day 15
A thousand apologies for the fact that these posts are all over the place. Mentally, I’m all over the place and so naturally my blog posts need to reflect this, right? Oh god. I’m craving some ice cream hard core right now. …
Pau: Day 19
Here in France, the big night to do stuff is on Thursday… we spent this past Thursday teaching our new French guy friends how to play good ol’ American beer pong. I think they liked it… Champs! Dress: UO (worn in a post from a few weeks back),…