Ventura Loving

    Jacket: Thrifted Ann Taylor, Blouse: JC Penny, Pants: GAP, Shoes: Buffalo Exchange   Please pardon the Frizz Halo in these pictures!   I picked up this jacket yesterday in my second trip to Ventura in less than a week. My friend had found it, tried it, and passed on it and then I…

FNO and other things

Sorry I’ve been MIA the past few days! My computer decided to have a minor (major) freak out, so it was in the “shop” for the past few days getting tweaked. As of now, everything looks as though it’s working A-OK, but if something else happens to my trusted Macbook I may die. It’s crazy…

A Labor of Love

              Jacket: F21, Dress: Vintage, Shoes: Aldo, Necklace: White House/Black Market Another Labor Day has come and gone… Of course, in celebration, we had a BBQ at my neighbor’s house where everyone drank a little too much and a group of us went outside to have a photoshoot. I haven’t…

Pretzels and Pickles

Yes, that is a bit of pretzel in my hand.         Dress: F21 (borrowed), Blazer: F21, Sandals: Europe, Bag: Longchamp, Sunnies: Ray Ban, Lipstick: MAC Ruby Woo   Eventually I will get around to posting current outfits, I promise. I borrowed this dress from my boyfriend’s little sister the night before I…

Lunchtime at Tiffany’s

                      Dress: Target (borrowed), Jacket: F21, Sandals: Bought in Europe, Bag: Longchamp, Lipstick: MAC Ruby Woo Our first day in the city was spent with my mom’s old friend and her two daughters. We kept getting rained on so we spent a good portion of…

Fist Pumping at the Jersey Shore

                Dress: Abercrombie and Fitch, Sandals: Bought in Europe, Bag: Longchamp, Sunnies: Ray Ban Our first day on the East Coast was spent at the Jersey shore with my parents, sister, grandmother and cousins. I always love the time I get to spend with my cousins. I hardly…

Mad Men

Trying out some Tom Ford sunnies   Hello, Hello, Hello! I just got home from New York less than 12 hours ago and already I’m itching to go back. It was a very successful trip, filled with Broadway shows and old friends and surprisingly not a lot of shopping. And I don’t know about you,…