Jacket: Thrifted Ann Taylor, Blouse: JC Penny, Pants: GAP, Shoes: Buffalo Exchange Please pardon the Frizz Halo in these pictures! I picked up this jacket yesterday in my second trip to Ventura in less than a week. My friend had found it, tried it, and passed on it and then I…
Found on the Zara website!!! From FNO, The Grove.
FNO and other things
Sorry I’ve been MIA the past few days! My computer decided to have a minor (major) freak out, so it was in the “shop” for the past few days getting tweaked. As of now, everything looks as though it’s working A-OK, but if something else happens to my trusted Macbook I may die. It’s crazy…
A Labor of Love
Jacket: F21, Dress: Vintage, Shoes: Aldo, Necklace: White House/Black Market Another Labor Day has come and gone… Of course, in celebration, we had a BBQ at my neighbor’s house where everyone drank a little too much and a group of us went outside to have a photoshoot. I haven’t…
Pretzels and Pickles
Yes, that is a bit of pretzel in my hand. Dress: F21 (borrowed), Blazer: F21, Sandals: Europe, Bag: Longchamp, Sunnies: Ray Ban, Lipstick: MAC Ruby Woo Eventually I will get around to posting current outfits, I promise. I borrowed this dress from my boyfriend’s little sister the night before I…
A Summer in Pau
A little video I put together. My heart aches for France sometimes.
Lunchtime at Tiffany’s
Dress: Target (borrowed), Jacket: F21, Sandals: Bought in Europe, Bag: Longchamp, Lipstick: MAC Ruby Woo Our first day in the city was spent with my mom’s old friend and her two daughters. We kept getting rained on so we spent a good portion of…
Fist Pumping at the Jersey Shore
Dress: Abercrombie and Fitch, Sandals: Bought in Europe, Bag: Longchamp, Sunnies: Ray Ban Our first day on the East Coast was spent at the Jersey shore with my parents, sister, grandmother and cousins. I always love the time I get to spend with my cousins. I hardly…
Mad Men
Trying out some Tom Ford sunnies Hello, Hello, Hello! I just got home from New York less than 12 hours ago and already I’m itching to go back. It was a very successful trip, filled with Broadway shows and old friends and surprisingly not a lot of shopping. And I don’t know about you,…