Dress: Guess by Marciano, Shoes: Enzo Angiolini, Earrings: F21, Bag: Michael Kors Instead of spending the money at a club, we opted to spend our second night in Vegas exploring the strip. My favorite thing that we did that night was go to the top of the…
Dancing in the Moonlight
Dress and Clutch: Guess by Marciano, Shoes: Aldo On the actual night of my birthday my family and friends celebrated by having dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse (YUM, YUM, YUM). I was able to order my first drink at a restaurant (a Cosmo, naturally)…and my dad surprised me with a gorgeous cake! After dinner, we hung…
Waking Up In Vegas
This past Friday was my 21st Birthday and a bunch of my family, friends and I hit the road and headed towards Vegas! I wore this outfit on the actual day of my Birthday. With the heat in the upper 90s, some sort of desert valley music festival outfit was bound to happen. My mom…
Moorpark Country Days 2011
Yesterday morning we woke up bright and early to participate in the annual Country Days celebration in town. I always look forward to this event, as the whole town comes out to participate (and oftentimes more people are IN the parade than are actually standing on the sidelines watching it). I’ve been a part of…
Love Letters
From Johnny Cash to his wife, June Carter Cash. My reaction: SO ROMANTIC! Here’s hoping my boyfriend gets the hint and leaves me a love note in the pocket of my jacket.
Simi Valley Days Parade
Woke up at the crack of dawn to ride in the Simi Valley Days Parade. I love parades. They’re always so much fun!
Instagram: 9.12-9.18
My obsession with Instagram has seriously gone to new heights. I can’t get over the thrill of seeing my iPhone pictures looking SO COOL thanks to the special filters that Instagram offers me. Since I take so many pictures on here, I’ve decided that I’m going to post them week by week, just so you…
I’m the most indecisive person on the planet. Seriously. It can take me days to make a decision about something, just because once I have options, I have to weigh everything against each other. That being said, I think I’ve come to a decision today. I want to dedicate more time to school and to…
Orange Colored Sky
Jacket: Thrifted Ann Taylor, Shirt: Gifted, Jeans: Guess by Marciano, Scarf: Target, Shoes: Borrowed I know I JUST wore it the other day, but I had to considering that I’m pretttttty obsessed with the color of this jacket. The shade of orange makes me want to pair it was…