Suit: Old Navy Show off dem curves while the weather’s still warm and you can still get away with wearing practically nothing.
fuchsia files
tank and pants: marciano; booties: aldo Sometimes, when you love a color, it’s perfectly alright to wear it all the time.
Happy Thoughts
Blouse: Marciano; Shorts: Levis; Shoes: Kohls; Sunnies: Ray Ban; Purse: Coach Not much to say today. I’m pooped from work and my feet hurt. Typical Tuesday? This was my Sunday outfit. If I close my eyes, I can still remember how good the quesadilla was that I ate twenty minutes before this picture was taken.…
fruit of the loom
Chambray: Urban; Tee: Theory; Shorts: Levis; Flats: Tory Burch; Sunnies: Ray Ban A sub par outfit for a lazy Sunday. Was woken up far too early after being out until 4am the previous night. Wound up having a nice afternoon with my dad and then a lazy dinner with family friends in our renovated backyard.…
here we go
Tee: Marciano; Skirt: White House / Black Market Outlet; Shoes: Shoedazzle; Bag: Coach; Sunnies: Ray Ban So much is happening in such a short amount of time and needless to say, I’m freaking out a little bit. It’s a good kind of freak out, though. The kind that happens when so much GOOD is…
crochet dreams
Top: Express; Shorts: Levis; Booties: Aldo; Purse: Coach; Sunnies: Ray Ban This was taken at a Greek Festival but it wasn’t till I got home and looked at it that I realized that it almost looks like it was at Coachella! WOOO!
Target jacket; F21 highwaisted jeans; Marciano tank; Jeffrey Campbell Litas Headed to the Fleetwood Mac concert at the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday night with Trevor and his parents. I didn’t quite know what to expect with this concert. We won the tickets back in December when our moms went to Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways.…
DIY Cutoff Shorts
In California, summer is officially here. With that, comes the re-emergence of the high-waisted cutoff. These simple essentials can MAKE an outfit. I live in mine throughout the warmer months (and I wear them a lot during colder months as well…with tights.) Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make a great pair of cutoffs…
Gimme Shelter
Marciano blazer; Levi Cutoffs; Stones Tee; Coach Bag; Ray Ban Clubmasters; Jeffrey Campbell Platforms We were lucky enough to score some tickets for The Rolling Stones tour in LA on Monday night. Needless to say, I was ridiculously excited to be in the same room as Mick Jagger again. That man is the original…