friday clicks

For those of you who are anxiously awaiting the Isabel Marant x H&M collection to launch – check out this “blog” of each of the items. The prices just broke my heart a little bit. Also, a LIST of all the locations that will be carrying the collection. Unfortunately for my wallet, the H&M next…

friday clicks

I thought this was pretty accurate for the majority of post-grad 20-somethings out there…. The dangers behind 2-in-1 shampoo. Are you addicted to your weekly manicures? What are your thoughts on Melissa McCarthy’s Elle cover? Personally, I feel like she’s too covered up. A curvy woman on the cover of a magazine is a rare…

friday clicks

Image via HERE Love your leather flats, but hate the stinky feet that comes with them? Here are some tips to boycott those unwanted scents… Lusting after some sexy, knee-high boots. I feel like my sister would appreciate this. The company I work for (Oliver Peoples) just redid their website and it is SO GOOD.…

friday clicks

Photo from Gary Pepper Girl Have you guys seen/heard of Gary Pepper Girl? I’m astounded at how wonderful her content is. Everything from her photographs to the way she puts outfits together is literally sublime, and I kind of find myself wanting to just fall into her life on a regular basis. A pair of shoes…